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Sharing of knowledge between the researchers from WSL and BOKU


The visit of Dr. Frank Graf and Dr. Chiara Vergani from WSL to BOKU helps to establish cooperation between the researchers from both institutions. They could see what are the research objectives and results from the numerical model of Dr. Roberto Tamagnini and Mrs. Barbara Switala and also from the laboratory tests conducted by Mrs. Sandra Alvarez. This share of information helped to choose appropriate laboratory tests that needs to be conducted in order to calibrate the parameters of the constitutive model by Roberto and Barbara and to determine some significant mechanical parameters of the vegetated soil. The goal of this cooperation is to combine the numerical investigations on the impact of the plant roots on the slope stability with the laboratory tests and to improve the knowledge about the use of soil-bioengineering methods.

From left to right: Mrs. Barbara Switala (BOKU), Dr. Frank Graf, Dr. Chiara Vergani (WSL) and Dr. Madhu Sudan Acharya and Mrs. Sandra Alvarez (BOKU)

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