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REVENUES "Best Practice Excursion"

Dr. Frank Graf, May 2014


An interesting excursion was organized by our partner Dr. Frank Graf to Dallenwil-Wirzweli, Switzerland. The processes of shallow landslides as well as the technical and biological measures taken in two catchments are studied.

Prof. Wei Wu visited ITASCA GmbH

Prof. Wei Wu, March 2014


The Coordinator Prof. Wei Wu made a visit to one of the beneficiaries, ITASCA GmbH in Gelsenkirchen, Germany in March, 2014. During the visit, the implementation of the high-order viscous constitutive model developed in stage WP1 was discussed.

Dr. Guofang Xu visited ITASCA GmbH

Dr. Guofang Xu, April 2015


A visco-hypoplastic constitutive model was developed at IGT, BOKU. By simulating some creep tests on single element at different stress levels, this model showed a good ability in describing the viscous behavior of geo-materials. In order to simulate ...

Contributions of REVENUES researchers to the EGU conference

Dr. Vergani, Dr. Graf, Prof. Wu and Dr. Acharya, April 2015


The researchers of the project REVENUES, Dr. Chiara Vergani, Dr. Frank Graf, Mr. Werner Gerber, Prof. Wei Wu and Dr. Madhu Acharya attended the General Assembly 2015 of the European Geosciences Union.

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