The interaction of plants and soil and its effects on the stability of slopes is of great complexity and can be best analyzed by an integrated approach, taking both hydrological and mechanical considerations into account. Due to the soils multiphase nature, solid, fluid and air are involved. The complex interaction among these phases in combination with the hydraulic boundary conditions introduced by the plant's root system implies that simple approaches with constant strength and viscosity are no longer feasible.
The problem also presents multiphase and multiscale aspects. While the infiltration and saturation of a soil slope may take weeks, the slope failure is often a matter of seconds. The spatial multiscale aspect cause intriguing phenomena in landslides, as the deformation is often dominated by intense shearing within thin shear bands. A consistent formulation considering grain scale and structure scale properties in due consideration of hydrological and mechanical problems poses high scientific challenges. The ultimate goal of this project is to elaborate a consistent physical model with robust numerical scheme to provide reliable predictions of the stabilizing effect of the plant-root system on slopes.
The proposed research focuses on the advanced development and implementation of a comprehensive numerical tool to evaluate and calculate the qualitative and quantitative impact of plants on the stability of slopes, based on a combined approach of the influence of root reinforcement and the interaction with precipitation and evapotranspiration, on the factor of safety of slopes, its theoretical validation and its experimental verification.
Numerical Analysis of Slopes with Vegetations

The main goal of WP1 is to develop advanced constitutive models together with high quality test data for calibration and validation. Micro-macro relationships will be established to help developing and calibrating constitutive models. The constitutive models will be made available for the numerical simulations in WP2.
Reinforced Vegetation Numerical Evaluation of Slopes
The focus of WP2 is to develop a reliable numerical tool for the simulation of hydrologically-driven slope failures by continuum approaches taking into account the reinforcement action of vegetation.
The constitutive models developed in WP1 should precisely assess the shear strength of soils (Task 2.1), be able to reproduce the stress-strain behaviour of the slope mass (Task 2.2) and model the interaction of the two phase continuum with roots and plants (Task 2.3) adequately considering drying and wetting reversals. Failure of the numerical predictions to correctly reproduce experimental results may lead to back-modifications of the numerical models.
In this work package the databases of centrifuge model tests for rainfall induced slope failure and for roots reinforcement will be provided.
Well documented case studies will be collected at the stakeholders and made available to REVENUES.
The best practice in modelling and documenting the effects of plants on slope stability and FoS will be worked out and published.
WP 1
WP 2
WP 3
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22-23.10.2014 Read More
List of Publications for REVENUES 05.02.2016