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Team member at IGT, BOKU, visited our partner ITASCA GmbH in Germany

According to the schedule of the project Reinforced Vegetation Numerical Evaluation of Slopes (REVENUES), a constitutive model was first developed at IGT, BOKU. This constitutive model will be used for the subsequent numerical simulation of hydrologically-driven slope failures, taking into account the reinforcement action of vegetation.


FLAC3D will be the numerical platform on which the simulation will be conducted with secondary development using the model developed. Our partner, ITASCA GmbH, can provide the numerical medium and also some assistance on this issue. With regards to this, our team member, Dr. Guofang Xu, visited the ITASCA GmbH in Germany in May. Detailed procedures of the secondary development were discussed and simulations seem ready to come out at a call.

An excursion to Schächental, Uri, Schweiz —— from Dr. Frank Graf

An interesting excursion was made to Schächental, Uri, Schweiz. Our partner Dr. Frank Graf was one of the principals in charge of this excursion. The main goal of the excursion was to discuss the practical measures for protection against superficial landslides in order to ...


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